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Ever felt like you have to do everything, because no-one else steps up and takes the initiative?

Rest assured, you are not alone!

This is one of the top frustrations from many SME business owners.

Some of the reasons for this may surprise you. Take the opportunity to learn and experience for yourself ways to unlock your team’s full potential.

Simple habits and practices that can grow your business and a more efficient team around you.

Mary Beth as is a seasoned global executive coach and leadership development professional who has made NZ her home, and wants to share her learning and practices with SMEs (or you).

Her fierce compassion for leaders combined with her background as a global corporate executive make her uniquely skilful as a coach, trusted advisor and consultant for managing continuous change.

Grow the Leader in You will support you to:

  • Make the shift from managing to leading your business
  • Ensure you work with your people in new ways for better engagement and impact
  • Be more focused and productive
  • Help improve your resilience beyond what you thought possible

Mary Beth’s fierce compassion for leaders combined with her background as a global corporate executive makes her uniquely skilful as a coach, trusted advisor and consultant for change.

Get in touch with us to learn more about ‘Grow the Leader in You’ and register for our next upcoming session in February 2024.

“This workshop has changed our business in ways I never thought possible. The staff are more independent, they are making good decisions and I am not having to micro manage anymore. This has allowed us to have freedom in the business knowing we can delegate with complete trust. Highly recommended for all business owners.”

Alanna Aarts | Thoroughbred Floats and Engineering

Delegation and Empowerment:

Be able to delegate tasks effectively, trusting that employees can manage responsibilities on their own and complete tasks without constant supervision.

Leadership Development:

Learn how to identify and nurture potential leaders within the team. In time, these leaders can take on more responsibilities and drive initiatives on their own.

Improved Communication:

Often, a lack of initiative stems from poor communication. Employees might be unclear about expectations or might not feel they have a voice to share ideas. Learn how to establish open channels of communication, where employees feel comfortable sharing suggestions, concerns, and taking the initiative without fear of retribution.

Cultural Shift:

Changing the company culture to one where initiative and innovation are rewarded can be a major outcome. This involves setting clear expectations, celebrating those who step up, and perhaps even implementing incentive programs to reward initiative.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity:

By empowering employees to take initiative, processes can become more streamlined. Instead of waiting for you the business owner to provide direction on every task, empowered employees can make decisions on their own, leading to quicker problem-solving and better overall productivity.

Grow the Leader in You
will support you to:

  • Make the shift from managing to leading your business
  • Ensure you work with your people in new ways for better engagement and impact
  • Be more focused and productive
  • Help improve your resilience beyond what you thought possible.
one side of a conference room table looking out onto the city outside the window

Why take this course?

The “Grow the Leader in You” workshop has helped SME business owners as well as CEO’s to change the culture in their business.

In today’s uncertain environment, it is vital that you, as a business owner and leader ‘press pause’ and take time out to invest in your development as a leader.

It starts with mindset. Learn common traps leaders fall into and practices you can develop to overcome them.

See how you can more effectively manage those pesky problems that ‘never seem to go away’ to lead more effectively with more choices for action.

Take a fresh look at how you spend your time and become more focused and productive on what matters most.

“You can teach an old dog new tricks and being a better leader is something all of us can improve on. I found the workshop very effective and the team friendly and informative. I like that I now have mechanisms to use specifically for SME business owners that not only make my team feel great about working here, but add to the efficiency and profitability of the business I recommend this for all business owners even if you think you are a great leader!”

Warick Buchanan:
Paeroa Farm Services